Biomagnetic Therapy Session- Remote Distance Healing

Embrace Health

BioMagnetic therapy, is a natural therapy that proposes re-establishing the normal internal cellular environment through the use of pairs of magnets of medium intensity that seek to equalise the organism’s pH level.
The theory of medical biomagnetism has been developed by Mexican Dr Isaac Goiz, MD through his clinical work over more than 25 years. His theory observes that a wide range of illnesses and conditions are associated with fundamental alterations in the pH level of internal organs and with the presence of pathogens: viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites, toxins, and other harmful factors.
Bacteria and parasites tend to live and grow in an alkaline environment, while fungus and viruses tend to live and grow in an acidic environment. It is much more difficult for illnesses to develop in a cellular environment with a balanced or neutral pH level of 7.

Using the biomagnetism technique, a set of magnets (one positive polarity and one negative polarity) are applied to the selected area where a condition has been identified. The magnets encourage a neutral pH state, reducing the breeding and growth of pathogens; helping to remove them.

With the cellular environment corrected by the magnets the problems identified can be reduced and even disappear completely. The cellular environment can be returned to the point of equilibrium creating the best conditions for the body’s inherent ability to regenerate and restore its own health to take place.

Remote Distance Healing

Distance Healing is possible anytime, anywhere and wherever you are in the world.  That is the beauty of distance healing.  Once your session is booked,  your therapy will be done within 24-48 hours of time of booking.   Once completed a detailed report will be emailed to you with everything that I have found during the scan.  In a session I will connect to you, using myself as the antenna and used applied kinesiology muscle testing to find the imbalances in your body and I will use myself as the surrogate. I can find viruses, bacteria, fungus, imbalances in your body parts.  Vitamin deficiencies, food intolerances,  emotions and your body will require different protocols to help the body harmonise.

For optimum results 2- 3 sessions are recommended and then required as needed.

Initial sessions are $180 and are 2 hours long- currently offering them as the same price as the initial session of $130 for a limited time.

Follow up sessions are $130 and are 1.5 hours long. 

At each follow-up appointment, a rescan will also be conducted for additional imbalances that may have surfaced since your last visit.   It has been described that healing is like an onion.  As the body processes one layer, a new layer may surface. 

Depending what is going on in the body, I recommend anywhere between 3- 5 sessions initially to really see the benefits of this treatment.  Maintenance therapies are recommended as needed.

I am certified in Biomagnetic and Bioenergetics Level 1 & 2 and certified as an Advanced Biomagnetism Practitioner.

If you wish to join my Facebook Community please click on the following link:

Emotion Code and Biomagnetism Community Group

disclaimer: While I have been certified to provide Biomagnetic Therapy, I am not a medical doctor, nor do I make medical diagnoses or provide medical advice or care. Biomagnetic Therapy is not considered a substitute for consultation with a physician, medical assessment or medical treatment.  


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